Dr Clinton Lee

Dr. Clinton Lee

Dr. Clinton Lee


Head of Consulting Division

Dr. Clinton Lee has a Bachelor’s Honors degree in Accounting, an MBA in Finance and a Doctorate in Business Administration. His Doctorate studies focused on “Cultural Diversity and Organizational Behavior”. He has worked for and with the United Nations Development Program and other Non-Governmental Organizations like Oxfam NOVIB (Holland), CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency), SIDA (Swedish International Aid Agency) and GTZ (Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit Germany).

Dr. Lee is an international cultural awareness speaker, wine lecturer, writer and critic who has delivered lectures to a wide body of audiences ranging from professional bodies to wine aficionados. He is the author of the “Crouching Grizzly, Hidden Dragon” cross cultural engagement program highlighting differences in Eastern and Western culture. Dr. Lee has travelled to over 90 countries. He infuses his strategic knowledge with his Doctoral knowledge, using both of these specialized knowledge streams he effectively projects them as a bridge to consult on cultural awareness, competence, knowledge and sensitivity vital to business strategy in today’s business world.